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Brand Strategy Subscription To Scale.

Enabling Your Impact Towards The World.

Brand strategy & Branding Should Be Fun, Inspiring and Powerful! And thats What Arcui Does!

Hayley Dennis - Arcui and Iaculus Client


A simple retainable model to plan and manage as per your needs and goals.

Tailored Solutions

No Cookie Cutter Frames. Solutions made true to your success and brand.

Market Friendly

Simple Fixed Prices, not affected by market shifts and demand.

Your Chief Brand Officer... on Retainer!

Get the best brand strategies that are tailored to your needs to help you scale and create a brand that gravitates and leaves a lasting impact without having to pay $300,000+ a year on average and still get the best in the market.

Arcui Usoara, fractional brand strategist


Our involvement led to various businesses generating revenue, closing funding, and finding their differentiation in saturated markets allowing founders to truly scale.


We have consulted, overseen, and guided on over 2000 projects and ventures, across various industries improving traction and impact everywhere we stepped in.


Iaculus has helped challenger brands and large-scale founders across 6 continents enabling them to embody their vision and position them for global success and scaling. 

Async All The Way! 👨‍💻

Fully Remote, getting you the best at your virtual desk as your best friends and partners.

Strategies That Your Vision Can Stand on With Confidence.

Organised. Always. 🗂️

All our meetings, notes, and recordings, will be stored and organised in an easy-to-use project management system, with all your teams globally.

No Peak-A-Boos! 👻

Iaculus believes in having you involved, so forget being in the dark, we will build with you for you and your audience, just like it needs to be!

Listen To Our Clients.

Let's Reimagine lasting success and the cost of achieving it!

Trail Call

Why Go Fractional?

Here are 4 of countless

01. New Perspectives.

You can't read the label from inside the jar. Having a fractional consultant to help with your branding will help you and your team look at things from different and valuable perspectives on problems that may have gone unnoticed or give you reassurance on your assumptions.

02. Easy Scalability.

With a fractional consultation contract with us, you get to test the waters with the best and find what is good for you in the market and what you need in your partners and when thats us, you will know whom to invest in going forward with the rest of your branding needs.

03. Industry Experts.

You don't just get to work with someone on a fractional basis but you get to have the best for your needs, as a part of your team without having to acquire an agency but you still get the agency-level expertise for your needs and scalability. 

04. Mould Breaking.

You truly get a fresh perspective and the chance to disrupt the market and your beliefs so you can create something that lasts, captivates and gravitates, in some of the most unexpected and thought disruptive manner. 

Scope Of Work

Brand Strategy

Product Market
Fit Consultation

Growth Loop Strategy

Brand Activation

Brand Direction

Community Led Growth Strategy

Customer Strategy

Brand Culture

A Lot More!

Brand Voice

Social Media Strategy

Acceleration Staretgy

Answers To Your FAQs

Q1. Why Shouldn't You Just Hire Someone Full-time?

I knew you were thinking this! A strategist has a lot to offer but you may not have that much to give them all the time, and sometimes they might not have the external perspective needed to help you scale but you will have to keep paying them. And trust me at a senior level, we can be very expensive, $400,000+ yearly, easily. 

Q3. Are There Any Refunds? 

Due to the complex nature of the consultations, the deep focus and the strategies, there won't be any refunds issued. You may be wondering, what if the outcome doesn't come out as you want it, to that, all the strategies will be made keeping you involved and with your and your team's alignment!

Q5. Can We Pause?

For Monthly subscriptions, you can pause when you think you have got what you wanted and still have slots remaining, and can redeem them later on.

More Questions?
Book A Call!

Q2. Who Will You Work With?

The handsome and charming man who founded this agency, Arcui Usoara. Leading and thought-disruptive, Brand Strategist you come to, when you have a challenge no one will touch with a 10-foot pole. You will work with just him in most cases and unless you need something particular then others will be collaborated with from our end. 

Q4. How Fast Will You Receive Your Strategies?

If you mean in terms of how quickly will we start, 24-48 hours since your request and if we don't already have an ongoing strategy going on with you. Not leaving things half-baked. In terms of how quickly will we be done, we will go deep, and so based on how we deal with obstacles, and how well all the involved parties communicate and execute, we will know our schedule. So no limits, just no giving up mid-way either.

Q6. Is It Worth It?

While we may not be for everyone in terms of our vibe and personality and hence we will have a call before we start any service to set expectations, and goals, and see if we work well together, but no matter who has joined us, they have never left a meeting thinking, "Wow, Arcui changed our perspective!" or "I didn't think of that!" and always, "That was so helpful, Thank you Arcui!"

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